Prevent-Prepare-Protect Training & Consulting

Law Enforcement

The Prevent-Prepare-Protect Training and Consulting (P3TC) teaches a variety of law enforcement and security classes, including HR 218/LEOSA (Law Enforcement Officer’s Safety Act) certification/requalification for retired LEOs. Read more at


Get the most current LEOSA TCOLE Form 2021 LEOSA firing is easy on only takes about an hour. To request an appointment, call 210-695-0PPP (0777).

Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act News

For the military (Federal) Police Officers, LEOSA now includes DOD personnel. Apply for your creds at at


“TCOLE” is the equivalent of what most US states call “POST” or “Peace Officer Standards and Training”.

Since P3TC is not a licensed Law Enforcement academy or contracted by TCOLE as a training provider, we do not report training to TCOLE. Law Enforcement Officers may receive TCOLE credit for the classes we teach if their agency accepts the training and reports it to TCOLE. We have never had an agency NOT accept our training (including from other states), however, it would be beneficial to ask your agency training coordinator if they will accept our training before attending. We will be happy to provide everything they need to report your class, to include the TCOLE reporting number, outline of the class, access to the curriculum if audited, certificates, and letters of completion.

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