Prevent-Prepare-Protect Training & Consulting

Executive and Dignitary Protection

If you are interested in taking the Protective Services Operations Course, send an email to


Many law enforcement and security personnel are tasked with providing Executive/Dignitary/VIP/Witness Protection, but few have the necessary training to do so properly. The purpose of this course is to introduce the participant to the necessary elements of the protective services field.


The Prevent-Prepare-Protect Training and Consulting boasts instructors who have extensive backgrounds in providing actual protective services throughout the world, for both government and civilian operations. Unfortunately, there are many “charlatans” in this industry who have absolutely no business teaching these types of classes, yet they were easily able to obtain licenses to do so. Let the buyer beware.

P3TCus teaches three levels of protective services classes. The Texas State Level IV Personal Protection Officer course is the very basic course, and is 15 hours long. We also call this “Orientation to Protective Services.” The purpose of this course is to meet the absolute bare minimum state requirements.


The second level is the 30-hour “Introduction to Protective Services Course,” which is normally conducted immediately after the Level IV PPO class (essentially resulting in a 45-hour program). 

Although not required, it is highly recommended that students be graduates of the TX Level IV PPO course before attending this one. The purpose of this course is to provide a robust introduction to the duties and responsibilities of the protective services field.

Our highest level (at least at this time) is the 105-hour “Protective Services Operations Course.” This course is intended for individuals who actually protect (or may protect) others, and consists of much more extensive training than most other “Executive Protection” courses. You may attend this course without going to either the Orientation or Introduction courses, Please see the class description for more details.

(1) Protective Services Operations Course (includes Texas Level IV PPO)

(2) Protective Services, Introduction to (included in PSOC)

(3) Security Officer, Level IV, Personal Protection Officer Training/Orientation to Protective Services (included in PSOC

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